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Showing posts from 2012

Model Driven Software Development with UML - Back to the Root (or how KissMDA saves our Agile Development with Java...)

After working since 2004 with MDA (Model Driven Architecture) / MDSD (Model Driven Software Development) technologies like AndroMDA, oAW, etc. always in context of Java technology and UML (Unified Modelling Language) I feel like that we need just another MDA tool. Why? Past  The first experience with AndroMDA in the year of 2004 was great! At the end you don't need to code those boiler plate codes in EJB 2.x. AndroMDA generates everything for you. You also have the documentation of your application always up to date. This is a very important thing, since if you have more than one hundred entities you definitely need that actual documentation to be able to extend the application. AndroMDA offers a lot of mature cartridges like EJB 2.x, SpringFramework, Struts, Hibernate, JSF. The idea with cartridges is just gorgeous. IMHO it is possible to have a general application architecture for most business applications. So if you are using SpringFramework and Hibernate you can reuse the

Open Data Initiative and Mashup

Just finishing playing with Open Data Initiative Berlin and Google Maps... Mashup with GWT using the newest Google Maps GWT (gwt-maps 3.8.0-pre1)... Very nice! All in all I used following technologies: Java (what else?) Maven 3 GWT (Google Web Toolkit) with gwt-maps 3.8.0-pre1 for Google Maps V3 GAE (Google App Engine) Within this mashup I combined the Open Data from Berlin:  Total population 2011 per area (Berlin Mitte, Berlin Spandau, etc.) Result of Election 2011 per area ... and put them into Google Maps. You can find all the links in my WebApp: I found out following things as I implemented the WebApp: Open Data Berlin needs to take care of their Open Data API . For the total population I need to get the Zip file, uncompress it and read the CSV file inside it, using Common Compress and OpenCSV Java Open Source library. For the result of election I have to work with Excel file using JExcel, also Open Source library. Amazing to see h